About Leo

Welcome to my LegitimateAffiliateMarketing.com website. I am here to inform, teach, and help you, your family, or friends through post and links to building your affiliate marketing website.

Blessings, Leo

Wow, I don’t look my age.

In my early years, my father taught me that the only ways to have the better things in life is to have your own business or a job that gives you a residual income.   So, at 11 a friend and I started a lawn moving business.  It paid for a lot of extras and at 14  it helped me start a nursery business.  Four years later, I lost everything to a freeze my first year in college.

Around the age of 13, I had made up my mind to pursue chemistry, medical research, or horticulture. Chemistry won since the universities that offered the other programs were too far away and my father was advancing in years.

It was in college doing some research that could be used in pharmaceuticals and as a coop student for a fertilizer company that I realized my real passion was helping others. Upon graduation, I started teaching chemistry.

Several events in my life guided me in the direction of giving to others. Some of these events are mentioned below.

The Story Of Why I Enjoy Giving – Thanks Mom and Dad

At an early age my mother, who was from a farming family, taught me how to garden. In the ninth grade I started a nursery which was not very profitable since I gave many of my plants to neighbors. It was in my studies about plants that I found the important role that many plants played in natural medical history. This knowledge was later shared with my students

One former student recently told me,

“The content you taught us in Chemistry was important but what I really liked was how you taught us that we, the plants, and animals are made of the same elements put together in unique ways. You emphasized that the One that created all knew of every illness that would be and created a natural cure for each. You said as people we are all responsible for the well-being of our planet and it is our duty to protect everything in our environment”

My mother was diagnosed with cancer in her 70’s and was blessed with no major side effects until she was 89. She lived to 91. She refused any treatment due to her fear of chemotherapy.  Because of her, I began my search for natural cures and ways of helping cancer patients and others to have a better life.

Returning To My Roots – Farming Is In My Blood

When she was around 85, I began purchasing a tropical fish farm. I knew about Miracle Fruit and how it could alter taste making sour taste ‘become’ sweet but also heard about the use of Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) with chemotherapy patients.  For many it would ‘remove’ the metallic taste caused by chemotherapy (Wilken MK, 2012).

I took a small section of the farm to grow the fruit to give to chemotherapy patients.  That brought me many joyful moments hearing their stories.  I have been asked why I do this.  A simple answer – I am selfish.  It gives me much pleasure seeing the joy I give to others.

How does this relate to affiliate marketing? 

To spread the word about the farm, our products, and Miracle Fruit, my eldest daughter built a website.  It was very nicely done but has not had much traffic and has cost a lot to have it hosted and has been difficult to maintain, add graphics, and blogs.

Having been interested in affiliate marketing, I searched and joined a couple of ‘training’ groups.  Money down the tubes.  When they asked for LOTS more money for their ‘great training’, I left them.  I was about to give up when I luckily found Wealthy Affiliates.  WA was entirely different.

During the Free introduction I was able to build my first website, ForHealthAndWellbeing.com.  It is not just about cures but also about nutrition and a healthier lifestyle. It is my way of giving to all of you in her honor.  I am writing post on recent medical research, natural nutrition for better health, and hopefully will be doing interviews with some scientist involved in the research.  In the future I will be adding reviews on quality products and affiliate links for those interested in the products.

I Started My New Website – LegitimateAffiliateMarketing.com

Since I am enjoying sharing my knowledge, my youngest daughter suggested that I share the WA platform.  Since there are many people that have passions and would like to share their knowledge and potentially earn a passive, I have set up this site.  Here I will be doing what I enjoy; helping others share their knowledge, earn a passive income, and getting closer to achieving their goals. This is part of my ‘selfishness’.  The comments I get from others at WA make me feel good.  I enjoy feeling good especially when I help someone.

If you like to feel good by helping others, join me at WA.  I will be your personal coach and will revel with joy at being a small part of your success.

See you there – take advantage of the free initial training.

Best Wishes,

